Saturday, November 21, 2015

Finally Finished with Carving

I've finally completed the cross carving started last spring. I worked on it off and on for about 6 months. It was competed in maple wood which proved difficult perhaps because of this specific piece of wood. The grain pattern and direction ran all over the place making it difficult to keep a single shape consistent. In the end I am somewhat pleased with the outcome. I guess the artist is always on the lookout for mistakes. 
I decided to give it a dark stain which certainly brought out the grain patterns. The left side grain pattern is really quite different than the right side. One of the joys of working with wood is that you don't have all of the say in the outcome especially working with hand tools as opposed to power tools. This was completely carved by hand with the exception of the initial cut of wood. I am now thinking of how it should be displayed; a chain or a frame? Also where should its destination be? Perhaps donated to a church where it can be used for contemplation.