Saturday, July 11, 2015

Olive Oil and Egg

Another quick painting. I attempted this scene from life a few days ago and failed. I just did not have it in me to take on all of the greens, ambers, and other colors in the olive oil bottle. I think this one worked out fine and I am pleased with the color work and the lighting. This was from life and the colors turned out much more realistic than from working from a photo. The still life was set up near a window to allow natural lighting to hit the objects. The background is my daughter's blue shirt.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Real Light.

This small painting is from Ruidoso, New Mexico. We went to one the trail heads of Lincoln National Forest. I was with my family so I didn't paint on site but we did hike a little so I was able to snap some photos. What a peaceful place so quiet and removed from our "big city" life. 

My desire to paint has been on the up recently. I decided to set up a small still life. I so much appreciate painting from life where the true colors and light remain. What a difference over photos, not to say that photos cannot be a good option for the painter because they can and sometimes they are a necessity. But you have to take the opportunity as an artist to study nature and participate with it, enjoy it and learn from it.